How Internet Works


2 min read

The internet is all about transferring data from one system to another. However, when we try to understand how the internet works, we come across some technical terms, or jargon, like HTTP, TCP, UDP, IP, FTP, etc.

  1. TCP: Transmission Control Protocol → Provides reliable and ordered data transfer using a 3-way handshake (synchronize, synchronize + acknowledge, acknowledge).

  2. UDP → Increases speed but reduces reliability.

  3. IP: Internet Protocol → The address of a local machine on the internet.

  4. HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure → Uses encryption through SSL/TLS for data security.

  5. Headers → Additional information sent to the server along with the main data.

  6. Payload → The actual data, like emails, passwords, etc.

Request - Response Model

When a user enters a URL in the address bar of a browser, the browser (client) makes a request to the server for the information needed by the user. The server then responds with codes like 200 (for a successful request), 500, 404 (Not Found), etc.

There are some protocols like TCP and UDP for transferring data

  1. TCP: Transmission Control Protocol

    TCP takes more time to transfer data, but it is reliable and ordered, using a 3-way handshake.

    TCP is used when the order of data is important. For example, in chatting, TCP ensures no data packets are lost and they are properly ordered.

  2. UDP:

    UDP takes less time but compromises on data order, and some data loss may occur. In live video calls, UDP is used because timing is more important than accuracy.